Wednesday 4 April 2012

I just have to say it.....


My mother brought me up to believe that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.  I want to take it one step further.  Instead of criticizing, make suggestion for change, be the change. Take the time that you spend criticizing the actions of others and make a contribution.

I am involved in St. Albert because I don’t believe that the city should be 100% responsible for delivering events, activities and charitable actions. They have their place to provide stability, but the community needs to come out and help be a part of the things that make us a great city.

SOAPBOX TIME (And not the race)

I believe that there is a place for opposing views to political decisions.  That is what makes for a healthy government. The personal attacks need to stop.  I am often embarrassed to read some of the things that make it out into the internet about our city, the half-truths, the quotes out of context.  That is not providing a respectful “opposing view” that is healthy and helps us look at decisions from all angles.  

Check your baggage at the door and take the time to consider why positions are held and actions taken.  I dare say that no one is perfect.  Not even those who profess to know better than most in their daily blog ramblings.

I personally applaud all members of City Council, Provincial Legislature and on.  Walk a day in their shoes, make the decisions they are faced to make with the information that they have.  Most of all, remember that at the end of the day, these people have given more than any of us to try and do right by our city.  I don’t agree with everything they do but I do respect that these people have given more than a 40 hour work week as their commitment and I chose to believe that they are working in good faith, believing in anything less is to say that there is a conscious action to destroy what is St. Albert.

 Do you want to make a difference?  Find an organization that you believe in and volunteer.  It doesn’t matter which group you support, it will make a difference.

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